ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 Certifications

| June 18, 2018
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Reaxis Inc. is proud to announce that both the McDonald and UPARC sites have achieved certification in both ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.

ISO 14001 is an environmental management system that  is designed to help organizations manage their environmental impacts and improve environmental performance caused by their products, services and activities. An environmental management system provides structure to environmental management and covers areas such as training, record management, inspections, risk, opportunities, objectives and policies.

The ISO 9001 quality management system is a structured quality system based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, motivation and implication of our top management, risk, opportunities,  process approach and continual improvement.

We are very proud of the work our employees at Reaxis Inc. have put in to achieve these certifications.  The McDonald site has been ISO 9001 certified since 1997, while UPARC has just achieved their first certification in 2018.