Quality / EHS
Reaxis Inc maintains the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registrations. We are deeply committed to the highest level of quality and safety for our employees, customers, and the surrounding community. This is illustrated by our quality, safety and environmental policies as described below.
Quality Policy
It is the policy of Reaxis to hold quality as a basic company philosophy. Reaxis will maintain its leadership in quality by meeting or exceeding customer expectations and applicable requirements.
This commitment to excellence takes an ongoing process of improvement that involves all individuals in the design, procurement, production, support, delivery, and management processes. Each individual is expected to accept responsibility and accountability for the quality aspects of their jobs so that each makes a contribution. We are committed to establishing and reviewing objectives as part of our continual improvement. Reaxis will see to it that it is providing all the necessary resources to maintain a comprehensive and effective quality system.
Our commitment to Quality and Continual Improvement will assure success and profitability in a competitive environment, both today and in the future.
Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Policy
Reaxis Inc. recognizes its responsibility to protect human health and the environment. We believe that Environment, Health, Safety, Security, and sound business management are mutually achievable objectives. Reaxis is committed to the following principles:
- To preserve health, safety, security and a sound environment for our employees, community, and customers,
- To design and operate our facilities in compliance with applicable Environmental, Health, Safety, Security requirements as a minimum standard, to mitigate risk to Reaxis and our interested parties.
- To develop and produce products in compliance with Environmental, Health, Safety, Security requirements as a minimum standard,
- To monitor our facilities to ensure they are operating in a safe, secure, and environmentally protective manner,
- To work constructively with government agencies, the public and our customers in the development and implementation of our Environmental, Health, Safety, Security, and activities,
- To devote research and technological resources to improve the Environment, Health, Safety, Security performance of our processes and products,
- To consider operational energy efficiency and waste minimization, reuse and recycling when identifying aspects and impacts,
- • To continue our efforts to minimize releases to the environment and to prevent accidents from occurring,
- To conserve resources and energy through pollution prevention and product stewardship,
- To conduct educational and instructional programs to ensure our employees know, understand, and comply with health, safety, security and environmental laws and regulations,
- To foster openness with stakeholders, including the public, concerning the nature of products and processes as it relates to health, safety, and security and to communicate to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization.
Marco R. van der Poel
Reaxis Inc.