Personalized Solutions Delivered by Real People

Chemists and product stewards with proven experience and versatility in developing a wide range of standard and specialty chemical solutions across industries. 

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Global Expertise

Global Expertise

As a leading global supplier of specialty metal-based additives, we provide extensive experience and expertise across various industries and applications. We are committed to meeting and exceeding both domestic and international environmental, quality, and safety standards and guidelines, as well as guiding our customers to the right specialty chemical innovations and solutions to advance their global competitiveness, profitability, and growth.

Start-To-Finish Process

Our process blends our core company values of quality, safety, and global expertise with innovative approaches to the development and production of standardized and specialized metal-based, additives.

Global Expertise
Global Expertise

Work at Reaxis, where innovation, professional development, and personal achievement combine.

Reaxis Company Leaders


We believe that our culture of innovation, a spirit of collaboration, and our core values start with leadership. The dedication of our leadership team enables Reaxis to continuously meet and exceed current and future customer, employee, and market needs. Learn more about their commitment to Reaxis customers, employees, and chemical solutions.

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Management Team

Brett L. Allen, Ph.D.


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Michael Curcione

Vice President of Sales and Business Development

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Beth Villotti

Vice President of Finance

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Reaxis Inc. is proud to announce that both the McDonald and UPARC sites have achieved certification in both ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.

We are very proud of the work our employees at Reaxis Inc. have put in to achieve these certifications. The McDonald site has been ISO 9001 certified since 1997, while UPARC has recently achieved its first certification in 2018.

We believe that Environment, Health, Safety, Security, Responsible Care, and sound Business Management are mutually achievable objectives.