Reaxis Retains Gold Level Rating with Ecovadis For 2019

| June 11, 2019
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Reaxis has retained a Gold Level recognition based on EcoVadis’s CSR rating. A gold level recognition places Reaxis in the top 5% of participating companies. EcoVadis’s CSR rating is a broad measure of environmental, social, ethics and supply chain practices built on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000. The objective of the EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) rating methodology is to measure the quality of a company’s CSR management system through its policies, actions and results. The EcoVadis CSR rating methodology is based on seven founding principles. The score allows companies to benchmark against their industry peer, but it also helps situate the company’s overall CSR performance in absolute terms of sustainability.